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The Evil Behind Chemtrails

Chemtrails...what are they spraying on us? If you still believe that chemtrails aren't real then please read this. Your life may depend on it.

chemtrails picture

As you can see the criss cross patterns in the image above, chemtrails are NOT contrails. Contrails are vapors left over from jet engines. They dissipate quickly. They are made of water and ice.

Chemtrails are quite deliberate and different. They do not disperse and are sprayed in patterns over cities. These patterns are usually criss cross and can be many miles wide. They usually form a cloud-like layer over the atmosphere after a few hours

Chemtrails have been related to various kinds of illnesses. These include Asthma, Allergies and even flu symptoms. Headaches and sensitivity to light are also common after an area has been sprayed with chem trails.

More recently, fibers, like those found in Morgellons Disease have been directly linked to chemtrail ingredients. In any case, they are making people sick, sometimes really sick!

Over the years, people have tested what is left behind in these unsanctioned poisonings. They have found the following :

Chemtrails started showing up in 1999 and have increased considerably in frequency, especially from 2014 to 2016. Many used to think that they were just conspiracy theories. Now, it's quite obvious that they are not. The real question is, what is their purpose and who authorized the human population to be sprayed with this stuff?

Interesting enough, the countries being sprayed are all NATO members and include...

Look, there's no doubt that NATO has had really bad intentions exposed lately, especially toward the USA and the Second Amendment. This organization is an infestation of freedom and the American way of life and threatens our sovereignty. The fact that there are armed NATO vehicles showing up all over the states is an entirely different, yet serious subject.

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The awareness of chemtrails increased dramatically in 2015 and 2016, when celebrities Prince, Merle Haggard (both recently, mysteriously deceased), Chuck norris and Vin Diesel brought them more into the mainstream.

Whoever (or whatever) is behind chemtrail phenomena is an evil that we cannot even comprehend. It's a deliberate and complete violation of human rights to be sprayed with chemicals, even if they were harmless. Denial by the FAA, NASA and governments is treasonous on every aspect.

Possible uses for chemtrails may be :

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One theory that I have is the "Epoxy Effect". I think that this is a two part operation, just like epoxy. You have one mixture of chemicals and it does nothing, until the second chemical is added. Then a metamorphisis occurs. The second catalyst may not be sprayed at all. It may be delivered via HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - HAARP). There are many that think HAARP may coincide with chemtrails.

I think that the build up of the first round of chemicals is already in humans that have been exposed. What happens when the second batch (or event) is dumped on us? Nobody knows, but I have a strong feeling that when that occurs, life as we know it will completely change on this planet.

Could this be the "pending doom" that so many people are feeling lately? I believe it at least is a part of that apacolyptic scenario.

How far will this chemtrail nonsense go on? Who will speak up out of moral obligation or outright guilt?It will be intersting to see what becomes of those who do...

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